Just a photo of a very proud (and rather "stiff") Bradley in his school uniform getting ready for his first day in school! So far he is finding it very exciting (2 days...) and that is of course good. Eric was more than jealous and insisted on wearing a hat too. Mayhem broke out when he realised he was not going! Luckily he started Montessori preschool today so now both have to get ready in the morning, take their bags etc.
Just thought I would put up a photo of the party that this celebrated Christmas Eve "Swedish style" at friend Göran's house. As you can see we were quite a few awaing the arrival of Santa. Straight below me and Mia sits Eric who today managed to lock himself inside the toilet at home. Took me the better part of an hour to get home, persuade him to yank the key so I could push it out and then hand it to me out the window so I could finally unlock and get him out of there. Otherwise we just wish you all a really good 2007 from us here in Zimbabwe