So they finally "found" Ratko Mladic, also known as "the butcher of Srebenica", after 16 years. It pleases me to see that the world increasingly offers less and less safe hideouts to warcriminals, terrorists and fallen dictators!
One thing that fascinates me when these persons are either brought to court, questioned or in house arrest or whatever is - they all suddenly are very ill, frail persons who can not possibly face justice.. Mladic being one example. Egypt's former president Mubarak suddenly develops heartproblems as does his wife(!) when questioned over illegally begotten money and other crimes. Yeah, right...
Should they happen to be too obviously young and healthy to try that route the alternative seems to be a sudden "born again" faith, be it Christian, Islam or what. "I put my faith and trust in God, he will prove my innocence" bla bla bla. Yeah, right...
In Southafrica a certain Schabir Shaik did both - first it was the allmighty Allah that would prove his innocence. When said Allah did not and he was sent to jail it was instead down the "heart problems and poor health" route. And for sure he was given medical parole.. and was spotted on golfcourses etc, heartproblems seemingly gone as indicated in this article. The latest is that his reason for breaking his parole conditions a number of times would be "mental illness" according to this article. Yeah, right...
What can we learn from this? Well, that unless you want to become extremely religious, terribly sick or mentally ill - do not commit serious crimes or opt for dictatorship in your life!
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