There are many who claim that "the world is shrinking". Of course it is not, it is the still the same size and shape (not totally round actually) it has been for millenia.
What it is and increasingly becoming is connected. Your friends on the other side of Earth is now no farther away then reaching for your mobile phone. Almost anywhere you go there is mobile phone cover and 3G internet included. I actually enjoy the days when I go into areas where I am off the grid and noone can reach me.
Living in Zimbabwe has been a bit like living in one of those unchartered spots on the old maps of Earth. "Here be monsters". Internet home access has been either extremely expensive or affordable but slow and unreliable.
For various reasons I have been looking for a better choice of ISP at home than what we have endured for a long time. 1 reason being the increasing number of devices at home that wants internet access (computers, phones, tablets). We are now at 7 all in all and I don't see that it will become fewer. Another one is that my home is increasingly my office and then it becomes unprofessional not to be able to do certain things online due to slow internet.
And finally it happened - a gamechanger from what it so far seems. An ISP offered 20 Gb monthly, 1 Mbit/s with installation and home wifi-router included for US 75 a month. Only condition that you sign up for 12 months. He... signed, payed and installed by Friday 3 May. So far the kids go to sleep and wake up on their tablets/phones, I am still testing out upgrades, skype calls and so on.
In short, I have better internet at home than most companies in Zim have at work. And I am not going to tell them..
Find me on skype, friends! Sinclairxp
Time to go offline a bit and do some IRL.