It has been a bit tough lately, is like a lot of things seem to be happening that are negative. Maybe I need to do something about my karma, if anyone remembers that old way of thinking.
My grandmother died early February, 93 years old. She was a lovely old lady that I was very fond of and I will miss her. Bless you Farmor!
Then I have been struggling with this system installation in Zambia and I can not remember a scenario where it has been so complicated or where so much has gone wrong in one and the same project.
I am now for the t
Reminds me of Murphy's Law alright cause the chain of things that have gone wrong here feels like "someone is out to get you" sort of.
Have a look at this "thing", it is actually the sink/basin where I am staying.
Måste vara ett tjusigt hotell om de satsat på designinredning i badrummet, njut.
Många kramar
- Is this where your wash the baby in?
- Oh no, madame. This is where you wash the baby OUT!
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