Thursday, March 30, 2006


It has been a busy but interesting time lately. Have been working a lot with an upgrade of an accounting system and that was a challenge, mainly because of the size of the files we had to send between Sweden and Zimbabwe. And of course a key CD delivered via UPS had faults and we had to get the files via internet instead. Well, that is now behind me unless disaster strikes!

Spent 2 days at workshop around the concept of eRiders, a very interesting idea on how to deal with the fact that IT and ICT is seen as either "something on the side" or sometimes "a necessary evil" within NGOs and other small idealistic organisations. Also getting more and more involved in FOSS (free and open source software) and find it refreshing to enter a world of enthusiastic IT users and creators once more. Am planning to swap to Linux as main OS and Windows XP more for professional support reasons.

Otherwise way too cold for this time of the year and still raining. Looks like winter will be tough.

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