Friday, November 11, 2005

Life still hectic & inflation

This week is another one that is some sort of "fly by" for various reasons. One of our cars got a problem and that always causes havoc in a place where you can basically forget about public transport. And the Ford seems to have some rather serious problem - all we needed since we plan to get rid of it. Will have to service it and keep all fingers crossed.

Otherwise the water situation is not any better at all, we had water for a few hours one day only. Managed to fill the tank from one neighbour's borehole though so we are OK for a week or so, let's hope it comes back soon.

It is hot and cloudy but no rains in our area sadly. We (read our gardener) planted maize so we are waiting eagerly, also for the rest of the garden of course. And Zimbabwe in general, a good rainy season would be most welcome.

Hyperinflation (now at over 400% according to state media) makes life "interesting". One does not even react at the fact that a loaf of bread costs more than the value of the largest bill in circulation... And for a normal lunch you are looking at around 400 000, or a wad of 20 notes - at least. People who need cash have to book with their bank in order for the bank to get some idea of how much cash they need to stock. And so on. Wonder when and how this will end...

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